

Bed & Breakfast News magazine
Bed & Breakfast News was launched in September 2001 as the first and only monthly magazine dedicated to the B&B and guest house owner; in March 2011 it became the member magazine of the B&B Association. Subscription (previously £35 pa) is one of the benefits of membership of the Bed & Breakfast Association. Scroll down this page to open and read an example.
Above: The Summer 2019 issue, available to all our subscribing members.
The current edition, and all back issues since March 2011, are always available to members of the Bed & Breakfast Association to open and read online, from our member-only website pages.
              "I was just reading some past magazines on line - very interesting I must say.
              In the very short time (4 days) since joining, I have had my eyes opened and
              this has helped me so much. We move into our guest house the first week in july,
              this is a new venture for us both, so once again thank you for your excellent service."
              JU, Tyne & Wear [Joined March 2013]
              "I would like to thank you for a simply excellent service the B&B Association runs.
              I always enjoy the articles and helpful literature put out in the magazine and website,
              and the always cheerful, positive and common-sense approach you take to serious matters
              like fire regulations. I hope you are able to continue for years to come!"
              AR, Cambridgeshire [member since 2008]
Bed & Breakfast News, the only monthly magazine in the UK devoted to the B&B and guest house sector, has (since March 2011) been part of the Bed & Breakfast Association. Members of the Bed & Breakfast Association receive a free subscription (previously costing £35 a year) as one of their benefits of membership of the Association.
Bed & Breakfast News magazine has regular columns on all aspects of running a B&B business, and features on B&B proprietors including Rick Stein OBE and many others. Our contributors have included the Minister of Tourism, John Penrose MP, and leading experts in many fields.
Bed & Breakfast News is an online, digital "virtual" magazine with turning pages, video on the page, live links etc.
David Weston, Chairman of the Bed & Breakfast Association, commented: I am absolutely delighted that our members will now enjoy Bed & Breakfast News every month as yet another benefit of membership. I thank Christine Stalker, the previous Editor and Proprietor, for all her work over many years on the magazine.
Bed & Breakfast News was bought from previous Editor/Proprietor Christine Stalker by Special Publishing Ltd. (SpecialPublishing.com), who operate the website, database and newsletters of the Bed & Breakfast Association under licence.
To see your joining options in detail, click the 'Join now' button below:

For Information about advertising in B&B News magazine, click here.
You can email Bed & Breakfast News at: BandBnews@specialpublishing.co.uk
