

Coronavirus information for B&B and Guest House Owners
We will keep this page updated as a useful 'one-stop' resource for B&B and guesthouse owners, with links to the most relevant, comprehensive and useful information resources about coronavirus. There is more detail and full COVID-19 Guidance etc. on our member pages.
Do click "refresh" on your browser to make sure you are reading the latest version of this page
Links to useful advice and information:
Official Government advice for accommodation providers
The Government's official advice on Coronavirus to all accommodation providers (including B&Bs and guest houses).
The official NHS Coronavirus advice page
The National Health Service's latest advice on Coronavirus.
The NHS Scotland Coronavirus advice page
The Scottish NHS's latest advice on Coronavirus.
The NHS Wales Coronavirus advice page
The Welsh NHS's latest advice on Coronavirus.
How to wash your hands properly - NHS advice and video
The National Health Service's guidance on thorough hand washing (including video).
VisitBritain's Coronavirus advice page
The official tourist authority VisitBritain has this page of information for hospitality businesses about the Coronavirus, with advice and latest information.
VisitScotland's Coronavirus advice page
The official tourist authority for Scotland has this page of information for hospitality businesses in Scotland.
UK Hospitality's Coronavirus advice page
UK Hospitality, the trade association for the hotel, restaurant and bar sectors, has a useful and informative page of information for hospitality businesses on Coronavirus matters.
Official Gov.UK COVID-19 Advice
This page has official Government advice on what do do if you have symptoms, the risk level, diagnosis and analysis, and further links.
Official Gov.UK COVID-19 Case Tracker
Public Health England has launched this COVID-19 data dashboard to track cases. The dashboard shows reported cases of coronavirus in the UK, including new cases confirmed each day, cases by upper tier local authority in England and number of deaths.
Official Gov.UK advice for those with confirmed or possible COVID-19 infection
From Friday 13 March 2020, if you have symptoms that are indicative of having coronavirus you should stay at home and self-isolate for a period of seven days. Public Health England have published guidance - click the above link.

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Further Reading:
The importance of keeping a pristine cleaning regime

Guidelines for COVID-19-Secure operating:
Our subscribing members have password access to our member pages, which have full official and B&B-specific guidance on COVID-19 secure operating, and analysis, illustrative Risk Assessment examples, and explanation - If you are a member, do log in with your password, and do watch your email inbox for our member updates. If you are not a member, you can join here and if you are a past member, you can rejoin for a reduced rate here.


Click here for how to join up online now from only £1.06 a week

Consumer Confident Accreditation Marks for COVID-19-Secure B&Bs:

VisitBritain "We're Good to Go" mark
"We're Good To Go" is the official VisitBritain UK mark to signal that a tourism and hospitality business has worked hard to follow Government and industry COVID-19 guidelines and has a process in place to maintain cleanliness and aid social distancing. "We're Good to Go" is supported by VisitScotland and VisitWales, and the B&B Association is one of the partner bodies. It is free to join if you are a member of a partner body.

AA Covid Confident Assessment Scheme
The AA's new COVID Confident assessment scheme supports the hospitality industry in re-establishing and rebuilding consumer confidence as parts of the UK come out of lockdown. It's a free scheme and open to all hospitality establishments that pass the AA's stringent criteria. All applicants are encouraged to make a donation to the industry charity Hospitality Action. The accreditation will indicate to customers that an establishment has in place the necessary risk assessment, safety measures and staff training to reopen safely, in line with the UK's respective government and trade association guidelines. The scheme is supported by the B&B Association.

Support for businesses:
Go to our member pages* for links to the official guidance, and additional notes and analysis on the Government help available to: (a) support employees, (b) provide grants for small businesses with a Business Rateable Value up to £51,000, (c) for the self-employed, and (d) for B&Bs paying Council Tax.
* Members: log into our member section by clicking "Member Login" in the menu on the left, and entering your member password.
Our subscribing members are receiving regular and detailed information on all this. If you are not a member, you can join here and if you are a previous member, you can rejoin for a reduced rate here.

For information about joining the B&B Association, click the 'Join now' button below: