
Rejoin the B&B Association today
and save £9 (15%)
We never like to lose members, so if you have been a subscribing member of the Association previously and your membership has lapsed, we can offer you a £9 (15%) discount on the current (£60) subscription if you rejoin now online.
Your renewed membership will include all the standard member benefits*, and (if you are based in Scotland) will also include full membership of the Scottish B&B Association.
The Bed & Breakfast Association is the best value of comparable trade associations in the tourism sector. Our subscription rate of £60 (unchanged since 2010) compares with the minimum subscription rates of £299 for Farmstay UK, £359 for UK Hospitality, £70 for PASC (for UK self-caterers) and £155 for ASSC (for Scottish self-caterers).
Our subscriptions will rise later this year when our all-new website and member community is launched, but we are determined to remain the best value trade association. Meanwhile, if you rejoin us today, you will lock in today's savings as below.
"Being a member of the B&B Association is probably the best value for money and most practically useful thing I have ever been part of"
                  MH, B&B owner in Sussex and member since 2009
"We can't say enough good things about the B&B Association and how beneficial being members has been for us!"
                  B & A, B&B owners in Somerset and members since 2013
Renew your annual membership subscription now online instantly and securely* for £51 per year (saving £9, or 15%), by clicking the "Subscribe Now" button below:

* Secure payment takes place off our website (we never receive your card details)
When you click the "Subscribe Now" button above, you go straight to the highly secure site of Stripe, where your payment transaction takes place. Stripe will collect your subsequent subscription by the same payment method after 12 months when it is due, at the same rate (locking in your saving), unless you cancel.

INCLUDED: eBook worth £9.99:
If you rejoin today, your subscription will also include a FREE eBook, "How to Start & Run a B&B" (2nd edition), originally published by How To Books at £12.99. The eBook is worth £9.99.
The Times book review said: "If you're thinking of buying a B&B or you've just started in one..buy it. Solid advice, well written, good, up to date info especially on marketing"
INCLUDED: £40 wine voucher:
If you rejoin us today, you get £40 back straight away against any case of wine of £59.99 or more at 'Naked Wines'.
Valid for NEW customers of Naked Wines only. Customers must be 18 or over. Voucher valid 30 days. The voucher cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Valid against any case worth £59.99 or more. Full T&C's are available at www.nakedwines.com.
            "I really appreciate all your efforts on behalf of B&B owners. Thank you very much indeed!"
            JP, member since November 2007
            "Thank you for the member info - I've now had 3 very interesting quotes for B&B insurance
            and all are at least £1000 less than our current broker."
            Mrs L, joined January 2009
            "I do appreciate all you're doing for the B&B industry."
            Mrs R, Scotland [member since 2009]
            "I can think of no better support system than that provided by the Bed & Breakfast
            Alastair Sawday, award-winning guidebook publisher
